Kategoria: Kansainväliset asiat

WDSF standard and latin adjucators congress – Latvia 2023

JULKAISTU: 4.10.2023, KATEGORIAT: Kansainväliset asiat, Vakio- ja latinalaistanssit


Dear Members, Officials,

Kindly be informed that the WDSF Academy will be organising the following congresses at Riga, Latvia on 20 November 2023.

The details of the congress are as follows:

Date : 20 November 2023
Registration: 09:00am
Congress Time : 09:30am to 06:30pm (estimated)
Nearest Airport : Riga International Airport
Venue/Address : 68 Graudu iela, LV 1058, Rīga, Latvia
Contact Person : Juris Arajs Email : jarajs@hotmail.com

Adjudicators are encouraged to participate in this congress which will also qualify for a 2 years extended validity of the Adjudicator’s license.

For new applicants of a WDSF Adjudicator’s license or observers at a WDSF congress, the registration can only be done by the WDSF NMB. The NMB can pay for the applicant online or delegate the payment to the applicant.

Only candidates who have completed the entire online WDSF Adjudicators application system before the closing date are permitted to register to this congress.

Closing Dates
•            New Candidates’ applications (to be submitted by National Federation) no later than 6 Nov 2023, 23:59 GMT
•            Congress registration and payment shall close on 16 Nov 2023, 23:59 GMT
•            All payment must be made online, no registration or entry is allowed on the day of the course and no late registration will be accepted.

On behalf of the Chairman of the WDSF Academy, Shawn Tay

Best regards,

Nenad Jeftic
WDSF Vice-President for Sports

WDSF Adjudicators Congress 20.11. Riga, Latvia

WDSF Adjudicators Congress

20 November 2023 in Riga – Latvia


  • If you already are a WDSF official please log in with your WDSF user name and password and register to the congress online.
  • Registration and payment for this congress will end on 16 November 2023 23:59 GMT.


Participants which have not paid the registration fee on time will be treated as cancelled and will not be admitted to the congress.

Participants MUST register online, we DO NOT allow registrations at the venue.

View the registrations of your member body here.



Nearest Airport : Riga International Airport ( RIX )
Venue/Address : 68 Graudu iela, LV 1058, Rīga, Latvia

Contact Person

Organiser : Latvian DanceSport Federation (LDSF)
Contact Person : Juris Arajs
Email : jarajs@hotmail.com

Time: 9:30am to 6:30pm
Lecturers: To be Confirmed

GK Test : YES

Kiinan Wuxissa tanssittiin perjantaina vakiotanssin maailmanmestaruudesta

Kiinan Wuxissa tanssittiin perjantaina vakiotanssin maailmanmestaruudesta

Markus Kinnunen ja Ellen Puotiniemi sekä Aleksi Ahola ja Fay Antikainen vakiotanssin MM-kisoissa Kiinan Wuxissa

Heinäkuussa kilpailukalenteri on ollut tanssin osalta tyhjempi, mutta WDSF:n yleisen sarjan vakiotanssin MM-kisoja päästiin kuitenkin jännittämään perjantaina 21.7. Kiinan Wuxissa. Upeissa puitteissa järjestetyissä kilpailuissa osallistujia oli yli 60.

 Kilpailujen voittoon tanssi Liettuan Evaldas Sodeika ja Ieva Zukauskaite. Viime vuonna he sijoittuvat Italian MM-kisoissa toiseksi ja tänä vuonna he onnistuivat nappaamaan kirkkaimman mitalin.

 Suomea kilpailuissa oli edustamassa kaksi paria. Markus Kinnunen ja Ellen Puotiniemi tanssivat tiensä toiselle kierrokselle sijoittuen lopulta jaetuille sijoille 42–44. “Saavutimme tavoitteemme eli 48 parhaan joukkoon pääsemisen. Olimme myös paras U21-pari, mistä olemme tosi iloisia!”

Aleksi Ahola ja Fay Antikainen sijoittuvat kilpailuissa sijalle 52. ”Upeat kilpailut ja hienoa edustaa Suomea MM-kisoissa. Nautimme joka hetkestä lattialla ja kiitämme kaikkia tukijoitamme, jotka ovat auttaneet meitä tällä matkalla: valmentajat, seurat, liitto sekä kaikki kanssatanssijat”.

 Suomalaisparit jatkoivat urakkaansa Kiinassa vielä sunnuntaina, sillä molemmat parit tanssivat vakiotanssin GrandSlam -kilpailussa. Pareja kilpailuun osallistui 124. Markus ja Ellen sijoittuivat sijalle 49 ja jäivät ensimmäisenä ulos kolmannelta kierrokselta. “Viikonlopun aikana saimme parannettua tanssiamme kierros kierrokselta ja tyytyväisiä olemme niin tanssiin kuin tuloksiinkin. Haluamme kiittää sydämemme pohjasta valmentajiamme sekä vanhempiamme, sillä he heräsivät katsomaan jokaisen kierroksen aikaerosta huolimatta. Kiitos myös Suomen huipputiimille täällä Wuxissa!”

Aleksi ja Fay tanssivat vakiotanssin GrandSlam -kilpailussa sijalle 82. Pari jäi harmillisesti ensimmäisenä parina ulos toiselta kierrokselta.


Kilpailujen tulokset löytyvät kokonaisuudessaan täältä: (avautuvat toisella verkkosivustolla):



Suomen Tanssiurheiluliitto, tiedotus@tanssiurheilu.fi

ITA-WDSF specific Webinar for DanceSport (Antidoping)

Anti-Doping Webinars Spring 2023

21 June 2023

The International Testing Agency (ITA) is launching a new series of anti-doping webinars in the spring of 2023. Find all necessary information below. Take part, keep DanceSport clean.

This webinars are for administrators, athletes, coaches, educator, medical personnel, parents/guardians, local organisers, and any other athlete support personnel of the WDSF community, who all play a key part in keeping sport clean.

As athletes or any support personnel, make sure to sign up for this webinar to learn more and understand how anti-doping works.

WDSF and the International Testing Agency (ITA) are inviting everyone to attend the next edition of the ITA webinar series. The topics cover all major fields of anti-doping, as before, from the principles of anti-doping activities through practical info on the doping control process for in and out-of-competition tests. Medications and supplements will be discussed thoroughly along with sanctions and how to protect sports by speaking up.
To register for the sessions, please use the links below.
Zoom links to participating are sent after registration.
The webinar will be delivered in English with simultaneous translation to four additional languages – Arabic (العربي), Spanish (español), French (français) and Russian (русский).
For those attending all 5 sessions a certificate is generated and sent by email.
The schedule of these sessions is below:

1. Introduction to anti-doping 
Overview of the system, rights and responsibilities, ADRVs
6 July 14:00-15:00 CET

2. The Doping Control Process 
Includes testing procedures (urine and blood) and ABP
13 July 14:00-15:00 CET

3. Medications, Supplements, Prohibited List and TUEs
Includes the Principle of Strict Liability
20 July 14:00-15:00 CET

4. Principles and Values of Clean Sport 
Includes sanctions, consequences and speaking up
27 July 14:00-15:00 CET

5. Out-of-Competition Testing 
Includes requirements of RTP/TP, whereabouts, use of ADAMS
3 August 14:00-15:00 CET

WDSF: Kaikille avoin antidoping-webinaari 21.4.

JULKAISTU: 4.4.2023, KATEGORIAT: Kansainväliset asiat, Koulutustiedotteet

ITA-WDSF specific Webinar for DanceSport (Antidoping)

Welcome to this anti-doping education webinar hosted by the International Testing Agency (ITA), on behalf of the World Dance Sport Federation (WDSF).

The webinar will be held on 21 April 14:00 – 15:00 CET.

This special session is for administrators, athletes, coaches, educator, medical personnel, parents/guardians, local organisers, and any other athlete support personnel of the WDSF community, who all play a key part in keeping sport clean.

As athletes or any support personnel, make sure to sign up for this webinar to learn more and understand how anti-doping works, including:

• Athletes and Athletes Support Personnel roles and responsibilities under the Code
• Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs)
• Substances and Methods on the Prohibited List
• Testing procedures (blood and urine) and the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP)

There will be also the time left at the end of the session to answer your questions live, and we will be delighted to introduce you to WDSF General Secretary Sergey Nifontov.

The session will be delivered in English, and all participants will receive a PDF of the webinar presentation, including links to the resources covered.

Link to register for the webinar:

Please remember that one of the Anti-Doping requirements for national federations is to provide education to their affiliates, therefore this is a great opportunity to help meet that requirement.
On the other hand, it would be appropriate for the representatives of each federation in matters of anti-doping, anti-doping commission or similar to attend the webinar.

Best regards,
WDSF Office

WDSF online tuomarikongressi 4.4.2023

WDSF DANCESPORT ACADEMY NEWS (2/23) – WDSF ONLINE STANDARD AND LATIN ADJUDICATORS CONGRESS                                                           

Dear Members and WDSF Adjudicators,

In consideration of the difficulties with the limited number of events and the high cost for travel during this post-Pandemic recovery period, the WDSF Academy will offer an Online Congress for adjudicators who need to renew their licenses but were unable to attend the Congress in Jan 2023 in Spain and before.

This coming Online congress will be held on 4 April 2023. I confirm that this Congress will be the only Online Congress for the 2023 year.  Please note that other In-person Congresses, such as the one in Stuttgart will continue to be conducted.

It is the intention of the Academy to resume only in-person congresses in different parts of the World as soon as possible, but hopefully by 2024. As you would understand, the online Congresses lack the benefit of interaction between lecturers and other participants. In-person Congresses can also be an important part of a successful DanceSport events and festivals.

This coming Online congress will provide licensed adjudicators with a license renewal for 1 year.  It is not our intention to disrupt the in-person Congresses that have already being scheduled this year. New applicants can also attend this congress, however there will be no examination online.

The time schedule for this coming Online congress is as follows:

01:30pm(CET) – Sports Updates

02:30pm(CET) – Break

02:45pm(CET) – Lecture, Judging Standard Dance

04:00pm(CET) – Break

04:15pm(CET) – Lecture, Judging Latin Dance

05:30pm(CET) – End of congress

(lecture topic/lecturer will be sent to all participants upon registration for this congress)

With the new updating scheme of Adjudicator’s education status, our Adjudicator’s will no longer lose their 24 months validity period should he/she attend a congress before the expiry of the educational requirement. With the update, the new expiry date will account for the balance of months before the original expiry date, up to a maximum of six months, in addition to the 24 months validity. For example, if the education license expires on 30 June 2022, an Adjudicator attends a congress on 1 Jan 2023, the new expiry date will be 30 June 2025 for In-person Congress and 30 June 2024 for an Online Congress. The new qualification period for the education allows Adjudicators to have more flexibility to attend a congress further in advance of the expiry date.

The existing allowance of 14 days of license validity after the expiry date still applies. For example, if the educational license expires on 30 June 2023, the Adjudicator may still adjudicate until 14 July 2023.


The deadlines for:

  • Registration of new applicants for the WDSF Adjudicator License: 25 March, 23:59 GMT
  • Registration and payment for the Congress: 1 April, 23:59 GMT

Upcoming Congresses

– WDSF AJS JS 3.0 Absolute Judgement Course on 6 & 7 August (To be confirmed) at Stuttgart, Germany
– WDSF Adjudicators Congress on 20 November at Riga, Latvia


WDSF Academy