Päivä: 10.6.2021

WDSF Academy tiedottaa: WDSF Athletes’ Standard and Latin Online Congress

WDSF Academy on tiedottanut 10.6. järjestävänsä ilmaisen onlinekongressin urheilijoille. Valmentajat, tuomarit ja muut toimijat ovat myös tervetulleita osallistumaan tähän kahtena iltapäivänä järjestettävään onlinetapahtumaan.

The first of the WDSF Athletes’ Standard and Latin Online Congress will be scheduled on 23 June and 25 June 2021. The detailed timetable (subject to changes) is as follows:

Wednesday, 23 June 2021 

1pm to 2pm CET

  • Topic : Live Panel Discussion on Training and Motivation during Challenging Times
  • Speakers: Marius Balan & Kristina Moshenska, Armen Tsaturyan & Dominika Bergmannova, Francesco Galuppo & Debora Pacini, Evaldas Sodeika & Ieva Zukauskaite

2.15pm to 3.15pm CET

  • Topic : What Do I Look for in Tango as a Judge?
  • Lecturer : Emanuel Valeri (Denmark)

3.30pm to 4.30pm CET

  • Topic : How Can We Utilize the WDSF Technique Books to Improve our Dancing? 
  • Lecturer : Stefan Green (Italy)


Friday, 25 June 2021 

1pm to 2pm CET

  • Topic : How Do We Dance an Effective Quickstep?
  • Lecturers : Benedetto Ferruggia and Claudia Koehler (Germany)

2.15pm to 3.15pm CET

  • Topic : What Does it Take to Create a Formation Team Effectively?
  • Lecturer : Roberto Albanese (Germany)

3.30pm to 4.30pm CET

  • Topic : What Would I Like to See in a Paso Doble Routine?
  • Lecturer : Peter Maxwell (UK)


REGISTRATION LINK: https://tinyurl.com/wdsfathlete (linkki avautuu toisella verkkosivustolla)